
Kitchen Tour: Light and height in a kitchen Contemporary London

Kitchen Tour: Light and height in a kitchen Contemporary London - When revising their entire house, the owners of this Victorian detached property in London were keen to install a beautiful kitchen. An architect and interior designer reinvented the space, creating a huge kitchen with a wall double thrilling soaring height of more than 4.5m. The house was extended in the 1980s, but a new extension has been added, creating a dining area flanked by glass that flows off the kitchen and flooded with light.

"We have been called in soon enough when the owners were still discussing the plans with the architect and interior designer," said Nikki Davis Kitchen Architecture, which designed the kitchen. "We do not change anything in space has given us." Instead, Davis worked with this dramatic piece to create a beautiful kitchen that complements contemporary décor while agreeing family life perfectly. Kitchen Tour: Light and height in a kitchen Contemporary London Kitchen Tour: Light and height in a kitchen Contemporary London

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